
All posts tagged football


GAA 15 Injury Prevention Programme


With the football All-Ireland approaching this weekend, lets have a look at injury prevention in GAA. Regardless of what type of exercise you are doing, be yoga or tennis, it’s important to get a good warm up especially for injury prevention.

There has been a big focus on injury prevention in GAA in the recent years, due to the high levels of injuries. Research from the National GAA Injury Database reported that:

  • Two-thirds of players get injured and 1/3 have more than one injury in any season. One quarter of injuries are recurrences of existing or old injuries
  • Over 75% of these injuries are lower limb injuries.
  • Approximately ⅔ of these injuries are non-contact related i.e. sprinting, landing, twisting, plant/cut movements.

With these injuries and mechanisms of injuries in mind, the GAA Medical, Scientific and Welfare Committee in conjunction with UCD Physiotherapy Department, created the “GAA 15”.

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Peak PhysioGAA 15 Injury Prevention Programme