

Top Tips For Beginner Runners.


With the ringing in of a new year comes the commitment to resolutions which usually involve health. Gyms are exceptionally busier in January with the majority of us vowing to get fit this year. Running is a common starting place for most as it is free and requires little to no equipment. However, novice runners have a high injury risk and usually end up in a Physio clinic or quitting! So here is a list of tips to reduce the risk of injury and prolong your new running career.

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EoinTop Tips For Beginner Runners.

Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring Injuries.

The hamstring muscles are located on the back of the thigh. They start at the bottom of the pelvis at a place called the ischial tuberosity and continue down the leg, attaching just below the knee. The hamstring muscle unit is made up of three muscles – Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus and Biceps femurs, the latter being the most frequently injured. These muscles contract to extend the leg backwards and bend the knee.

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EoinHamstring Injuries

How to Prevent Calf injuries for Runners.


Calf injuries are very common in running and are arguably the most frequent injury.  As well as our normal running training, we walk a lot during the day and wear heels/ unsupported footwear which cause increased load in our calves.  The extra load on the calf can lead to tightness or a calf tear.  A calf tear can have you out of training for anything from 2-12 weeks depending on the type of tear you have.

Follow the simple tips below to prevent yourself from this injury.

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EoinHow to Prevent Calf injuries for Runners.

How to warm up and the top stretches.

One of the questions I get asked the most is what are the best stretches to do.

Really you consider first the reason for doing the stretching. If its to get ready for an activity such as running or playing a sport you should warm up with dynamic stretching. If you are looking to increase your flexibility, warm down or prevent injury you can opt for static stretching.

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EoinHow to warm up and the top stretches.

Pain in the Back?? Don’t Fret!

Most of us will suffer with the dreaded ‘back pain’ at some stage in our lives but DON’T FRET,  it is one of the most common problems that we treat in our clinic. Have a look below to see the ins and outs of back pain. 

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EoinPain in the Back?? Don’t Fret!

Adventure Racing – Find the Athlete Within!!

Hell and Back, Tough Mudder, Gaelforce West-Some of the many races that are a great way to get fit and have a lot of fun!!!

In the last few years Adventure Racing has really taken off with more and more people entering and more races being scheduled than ever before but are these races for everyone and what is the best way to prepare for them?

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EoinAdventure Racing – Find the Athlete Within!!

Peak Physio at the World Boxing Championships

Peak Physio’s Eoin Naughton was the Irish Physiotherapist for World Youth Championships held in Sofia in April. Ireland traveled with a strong team and for the first time women were included alongside the men as the event was also a qualifier for the Youth Olympics which will take place this August in China.

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EoinPeak Physio at the World Boxing Championships

Cycling Do’s and Don’ts

More and more of us nowadays are braving the Dublin roads and donning our cycling gear as a way of commuting as well as a recreational activity. In this month’s blog we want to look at some Do’s and Don’ts of cycling.

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EoinCycling Do’s and Don’ts

Tennis Elbow: Get the top tips on how to prevent it

By Eoin Naughton MISCP – Physiotherapist for the Irish boxing team and Irish International tennis players. Keen tennis player himself.

What is Tennis Elbow.

Tennis elbow is the common term for a condition caused by overuse of the forearm and wrist muscles which results in elbow pain, particularly to the outside of the elbow.

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EoinTennis Elbow: Get the top tips on how to prevent it